* OpenWeatherMap Client build a tiny Rust program that collects weather data for a collection of POI of mine and writes it into a SQLite database ** initial prompt #+begin_quote please parse OpenWeatherAPI response in rust #+end_quote Accidently I used not the full name which should bei *openWeatherMap* Response: #+begin_src rust extern crate reqwest; extern crate serde; extern crate serde_json; use serde::Deserialize; use std::error::Error; #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct WeatherResponse { main: Main, weather: Vec, } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct Main { temp: f64, pressure: f64, humidity: f64, temp_min: f64, temp_max: f64, } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] struct Weather { id: u32, main: String, description: String, icon: String, } fn get_weather(city: &str) -> Result<(), Box> { let url = format!( "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={}&appid={API_KEY}", city, API_KEY=API_KEY ); let mut resp = reqwest::get(&url)?; let weather: WeatherResponse = resp.json()?; println!("Temperature: {}°F", weather.main.temp); println!("Pressure: {} hPa", weather.main.pressure); println!("Humidity: {}%", weather.main.humidity); println!("Minimum temperature: {}°F", weather.main.temp_min); println!("Maximum temperature: {}°F", weather.main.temp_max); for w in weather.weather { println!("{}: {}", w.main, w.description); } Ok(()) } #+end_src #+begin_quote This example uses the reqwest crate to make an HTTP request to the OpenWeatherAPI and the serde and serde_json crates to parse the JSON response. The WeatherResponse struct represents the top-level JSON object in the response, with fields for the main weather information and a list of weather conditions. The Main struct represents the main weather information, with fields for temperature, pressure, humidity, and minimum and maximum temperature. The Weather struct represents a single weather condition, with fields for the condition ID, main condition, description, and icon. The get_weather function makes a request to the OpenWeatherAPI for the given city and parses the response into a WeatherResponse struct. It then prints out the main weather information and the list of weather conditions. You'll need to replace API_KEY with your own API key, which you can get by signing up for a free account at https://home.openweathermap.org/users/sign_up. #+end_quote See how it even shows me where to get and put the API key required for the HTTP request ** Ask for Async and SQLITE #+begin_quote please use async and send the result to sqlite database #+end_quote Response: #+begin_quote Sure! Here's an example of how you can use async and send the result to a SQLite database in Rust: First, you'll need to add the following dependencies to your Cargo.toml file: #+end_quote #+begin_src toml [dependencies] async-std = { version = "1", features = ["attributes"] } sqlx = { version = "0.4", features = ["macros"] } #+end_src #+begin_src rust use async_std::task; use sqlx::{query, query_as, Executor}; #[derive(Deserialize, Insertable)] #[table_name = "weather"] struct WeatherData { city: String, temperature: f64, pressure: f64, humidity: f64, temp_min: f64, temp_max: f64, main: String, description: String, } async fn get_weather_async(city: &str, db: &mut sqlx::SqliteConnection) -> Result<(), Box> { let url = format!( "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={}&appid={API_KEY}", city, API_KEY=API_KEY ); let resp: WeatherResponse = reqwest::get(&url) .await? .json() .await?; let weather_data = WeatherData { city: city.to_string(), temperature: resp.main.temp, pressure: resp.main.pressure, humidity: resp.main.humidity, temp_min: resp.main.temp_min, temp_max: resp.main.temp_max, main: resp.weather[0].main, description: resp.weather[0].description, }; query!( "INSERT INTO weather (city, temperature, pressure, humidity, temp_min, temp_max, main, description) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", weather_data.city, weather_data.temperature, weather_data.pressure, weather_data.humidity, weather_data.temp_min, weather_data.temp_max, weather_data.main, weather_data.description ) .execute(db) .await?; Ok(()) } #[async_std::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut db = sqlx::SqliteConnection::connect("sqlite://./weather.db").await?; task::spawn(async { get_weather_async("New York", &mut db).await.unwrap(); }); task::spawn(async { get_weather_async("London", &mut db).await.unwrap(); }); task::spawn(async { #+end_src The last part of the response is snipped here again. I assume, that the number of token for my free account is reached here. We can probably work around that by requesting more concise parts of the code. ** I dont want to use the 'city' parameter #+begin_quote can I use lat,lon coordinates instead of the city parameter? #+end_quote Response: #+begin_quote Yes, you can use latitude and longitude coordinates instead of the city parameter to get the weather information for a specific location from the OpenWeatherAPI. To do this, you'll need to modify the API request URL to include the lat and lon parameters. For example: #+end_quote #+begin_src rust let url = format!( "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat={lat}&lon={lon}&appid={API_KEY}", lat=lat, lon=lon, API_KEY=API_KEY ); #+end_src #+begin_quote Here, lat and lon are the latitude and longitude coordinates of the location you want to get the weather information for. Make sure to replace API_KEY with your own API key, which you can get by signing up for a free account at https://home.openweathermap.org/users/sign_up. You can then use the modified URL to make the API request and parse the response as shown in the previous example. #+end_quote I like how it refers to the previous output and tells me which part to update.