#!/bin/bash #: lmount #: open + mount luks encrypted storage #: #: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/445652/how-to-mount-and-de-encrypt-a-luks-encrypted-partition-to-recover-files set -e set -o pipefail set -x device=$1 target=$2 main() { if (( $# != 2 )); then echo "Must be called with 2 args!" echo " $0 $device $target" exit 1 fi if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ] then echo "Must be run as root!" exit 1 fi luksname=$(basename ${target}) if [ ! -d "${target}" ]; then mkdir -p ${target} fi echo "Opening ${device} as ${luksname}" cryptsetup open ${device} ${luksname} echo " ... mounting to ${target}" mount /dev/mapper/${luksname} ${target} echo "done..." } main $@