* Ideas to improve my Daily Planning life i.e. extend Emacs, Org-mode, Org-Roam handling and everything around my Notes and LaTeX support. ** Handling emacs Configuration changes *** DONE auto-tangle all .org files in this project currently every =fschl-module.org= file contains it's own =org-babel-tangle-config()= block There must be a more generalized solution, e.g. set it up to auto-tangle all .org files within/below =user-emacs-directory= *** TODO use guix-packages ** Missing Features *** TODO flyspell languages *** TODO snippets? *** TODO flycheck for code *** TODO rainbow delimiters ** Org-mode Setup *** TODO syncable org-files, agenda files, calendar setup *** DONE extend TODO-keyword: NEXT, MAYBE, MEETING, CALL, CANCELED, HOLD *** TODO make org-roam work with simple key chords *** TODO org-roam export to static site (fschl.de/pkb) *** TODO get used to archive subtrees after tasks are done *** TODO get used to clocking and export *** TODO graphviz setup ** Communication Tools *** TODO IRC client + setup e.g. for system-crafter, gnu guix, rde *** TODO matrix client setup e.g. for Chemnitzer LinuxTage, system-crafter, rde,... *** MAYBE email and mailing-list e.g. for gnu guix, rde *** MAYBE elfeed: rss feeds e.g. HN, golem, fefe, tagesschau ** LaTeX setup *** TODO make letters export work *** TODO make export for other texbased documents work