#+SETUPFILE: #+TITLE: Keyboard Config README * Keyboard Config [[https://shop.keyboard.io/collections/keyboardio-atreus/products/keyboardio-atreus][Keyboardio Atreus]] with Alpha Layer based on Colemak, more specifically the [[https://colemakmods.github.io/mod-dh/keyboards.html#matrix-keyboards][mod-DH for Matrix]] keyboard variant. This is modified for my personal environment with i3wm + Spacemacs. ** The Layout [[./keyboard-layout-colemak-DHm.png]] - alpha and shift layers work normally - SYMBOLS and numbers are activated with right thumb (blue) - NAV layer (orange) is activated by holding Backspace key - TAB and Enter keys work as extra Ctrl keys when hold for more than 250ms - mouse movement with WASD (QWERTY) keys when holding M - some additional utility keys are activated on hold (german umlaute, Ctrl+C,V,X,Z) - [[https://kaleidoscope.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quick_start.html][Kaleidoscope Quick Start]] - blog article on customizing the Atreus for (german) developers: https://www.gettommy.com/posts/my-ergonomic-40-percent-keyboard-layout-for-german-developers/#where-to-go-from-here - typing practise: https://www.keybr.com/ - typing speedtest with layout emulator: https://monkeytype.com/ - [[http://www.keyboard-layout-editor.com/][Keyboard Layout Editor]] ** Build and run *** first time setup - ~git clone Kaleidoscope -d ${HOME}/projects/Kaleidoscope~ - ~sudo cp ${HOME}/projects/Kaleidoscope/etc/60-kaleidoscope.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/~ - ~sudo udevadm trigger~ - ~cd Kaleidoscope/plugins && git clone https://github.com/keyboardio/Kaleidoscope-Language~ *** after that just - ~export KALEIDOSCOPE_DIR=${HOME}/projects/Kaleidoscope~ - ~cd ./colemak-dhm/ && make flash~ ** TODO - fully implement a sane extended layer like [[https://dreymar.colemak.org/layers-extend.html][this]] - maybe completely remove the NAV and TAB keys - maybe figure out home-row-mods: https://precondition.github.io/home-row-mods#how-to-use-home-row-mods - inspiration: https://alexschroeder.ch/wiki/Atreus - build a real split keyboard (5x3 + 2x3 thumb) - e.g. with PCBs from here: https://keycapsss.com/keyboard-parts/pcbs/53/crkbd-split-keyboard-pcb-corne-helidox?number=KC10022_CHOC_BK&c=6 ** Adjusted QWERTY Layer for gaming [[./keyboard-layout-GW-gaming_draft.png]]