initial commit
This commit is contained in:
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# Latex Templates
my usual basis for proposals, exposés, papers or thesis.
Maybe letters and invoices are added in the future.
## Configuration
- check preamble for things like serif/sans, fontsize
- possibility to add TODOs and overview for improvements
- TODO add neutral sections
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
pdfauthor = {your name},
pdftitle = {projects Expos\'e},
pdfsubject = {project title},
bookmarksnumbered = true,
\LARGE{\textbf{Expos\'e project type}} \\
\Large{suggested title for project} \\
\normalsize\textbf{your name} \\
\normalsize{} \\
% \vspace{1em}
% \normalsize{\textbf{Betreuer:} the importants peoples names} \\
\normalsize{institute} \\
% \normalsize{more information}
% \section{Expose}
I am the last of my species, and I know how that weighs on the heart so don't lie to me! You've swallowed a planet! No, I'll fix it. I'm good at fixing rot. Call me the Rotmeister. No, I'm the Doctor. Don't call me the Rotmeister.
I am the last of my species, and I know how that weighs on the heart so don't lie to me! They're not aliens, they're Earth…liens! Father Christmas. Santa Claus. Or as I've always known him: Jeff.
I'm the Doctor, I'm worse than everyone's aunt. *catches himself* And that is not how I'm introducing myself. You know when grown-ups tell you 'everything's going to be fine' and you think they're probably lying to make you feel better?
Annihilate? No. No violence. I won't stand for it. Not now, not ever, do you understand me?! I'm the Doctor, the Oncoming Storm - and you basically meant beat them in a football match, didn't you? It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezes are cool.
I'm the Doctor. Well, they call me the Doctor. I don't know why. I call me the Doctor too. I still don't know why. You've swallowed a planet! It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezes are cool. Did I mention we have comfy chairs?\cite{filler2021who}
\section{Core Question}
Shut up! Will you shut up?! Shut up! Bring her forward! You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!
Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system! She looks like one. You don't vote for kings. It's only a model. Now, look here, my good man. Be quiet!
Well, I didn't vote for you. You don't vote for kings. Who's that then? But you are dressed as one…
Shh! Knights, I bid you welcome to your new home. Let us ride to Camelot! We found them. What a strange person. What do you mean?
Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni! Where'd you get the coconuts? Shut up! Will you shut up?! The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. That is why I am your king.
I am your king. Why do you think that she is a witch? What a strange person. Camelot! Be quiet!\cite{filler2021python}
\section{State of the Art}
No! The kind with looting and maybe starting a few fires! In your time, yes, but nowadays shut up! Besides, these are adult stemcells, harvested from perfectly healthy adults whom I killed for their stemcells.
And yet you haven't said what I told you to say! How can any of us trust you? What kind of a father would I be if I said no? Negative, bossy meat creature! Spare me your space age technobabble, Attila the Hun!
Son, as your lawyer, I declare y'all are in a 12-piece bucket o' trouble. But I done struck you a deal: Five hours of community service cleanin' up that ol' mess you caused. Man, I'm sore all over. I feel like I just went ten rounds with mighty Thor.
When I was first asked to make a film about my nephew, Hubert Farnsworth, I thought "Why should I?" Then later, Leela made the film. But if I did make it, you can bet there would have been more topless women on motorcycles. Roll film! Can we have Bender Burgers again?\cite{filler2021fut}
\section{Time Table}
% (Orientierung an Projektmanagement; Meilensteine; antizipierter Zeitaufwand)
\begin{tabular}{| c | l |}
Date & Milestone \\ [0.5ex]
03.11.2020 & Proposal, Expoé \\
07.11.2020 & Kick-off, Initiation \\
14.11.2020 & Step 2 \\
21.11.2020 & Step 3 \\
26.11.2020 & Presentation and Handover \\
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author = {Dr Who},
title = {{Fillerama}},
howpublished = "\url{}",
year = {2021},
note = "[Online; letzter Zugriff 03.04.2021]"
author = {Monty Python},
title = {{Holy Filler Grail}},
howpublished = "\url{}",
year = {2021},
note = "[Online; letzter Zugriff 03.04.2021]"
author = {Futurama},
title = {{Fillerama}},
howpublished = "\url{}",
year = {2021},
note = "[Online; letzter Zugriff 03.04.2021]"
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
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\acro{IoT}{\emph{Internet of Things}}
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\acro{IM}{\emph{Instant Messaging}}
\acro{ISM}{\emph{Industrial, Scientific and Medical}}
\acro{ISO}{\emph{International Organization for Standardization }}
\acro{JSON}{\emph{JavaScript Object Notation}}
\acro{MQTT}{\emph{Message Queuing Telemetry Transport}}
\acro{MPL}{\emph{Mozilla Public License}}
\acro{OSI}{\emph{Open Systems Interconnection}}
\acro{OSS}{\emph{Open Source Software}}
\acro{REST}{\emph{Representational State Transfer}}
\acro{RPC}{\emph{Remote Procedure Call}}
\acro{SMS}{\emph{Short Message Service}}
\acro{SRD}{\emph{Short Range Device}}
\acro{TCP}{\emph{Transmission Control Protocol}}
\acro{TLS}{\emph{Transport Layer Security}}
\acro{UDP}{\emph{User Datagram Protocol}}
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%% Zusammenfassung nach Titel, vor Inhaltsverzeichnis %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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% Für die Überschrift s. \documentclass[abstracton].
%% Erzeugung von Verzeichnissen %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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%% Der Text %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \part[Text für Inhaltsverzeichnis]{Riesige Überschrift}
% \section[Text für Inhaltsverzeichnis]{normaler Gliederungspunkt}
% \verb#\quellcodeformatierung#
% \subsection*{das Beispiel} %kein Eintrag in Inhaltsverzeichnis, keine Numerierung
% Fußnoten\footnote{\label{foot:1}Dies ist jetzt eine Fußnote.}
%"`Ein Begriff"' \citep[vgl.][]{brooks2001-silver}
%"`Ein wörtliches Zitat"' \citep[S.~48]{mueller2000}
%Ein nicht wörtliches Zitat \citep[nach][S.~6]{carstensen2010}. \ldots
\section*{List of Abbreviations}
\change[inline]{improve glossary \url{}}
\setcounter{table}{0}%Glossar und Abkürzungsverzeichnis zählen sonst als Tabelle
% Inhalt laut Intranet
%Autorenreferat als Kurzreferat (maximal 20 Zeilen),
%Angaben zur betreuenden Einrichtung, evtl. Danksagung
% Inhaltsverzeichnis:
%Abschnitte und zugehörige Seitenzahlen,
% Abkürzungsverzeichnis:
%Erklärungen aller in der Arbeit verwendeten Abkürzungen in alphabetischer Reihenfolge,
%evtl. Abbildungs-,Tabellen-und Anlagenverzeichnisse,
%Einleitungsteil (in der Regel ein Kapitel – maximal zwei):
%Motivation, Arbeitsziele, Angaben zur Vorgehens
%weise und zum Aufbau der Arbeit, insbesondere
%des Hauptteiles
%Hauptteil (besteht in der Regel aus mehreren Kapiteln):
%Einordnung in den wissenschaftlichen oder praktischen Kontext,
%theoretische und praktische Grundlagen, Dokumentation und Diskussion des Lösungsweges der
%verwendeten Methoden, Ergebnisse, Interpretation der Resultate,
%Zusammenfassung und Ausblick (in der Regel ein Kapitel – maximal zwei)
%wichtigste Ergebnisse der Arbeit mit Betrachtung der Zielerreichung, offene Fragen und mögliche Ansätze zur Weiterentwicklung
%Quellenverzeichnis (siehe Abschnitt 5),
%evtl. Anlagen (z. B. Inhalt der beigefügten CD oder DVD).
% TODO: eventuell im Fazit ansprechen
% oder in Einleitung, oder sehr knapp fassen
%% \section{Vorgehen}
%% \label{sec:motivation}
%% \input{sections/motivation}
%% \newpage
%% \section{Werkzeuge und Bibliotheken}
%% \input{sections/tools_libs}
\section{Analysis, Tests and Decisions}
\section{Conclusion and Future Work}
%% Bibliographie unter Verwendung von dinnat %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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title={The Future of the Web},
author={Tyagi, Manvi and Sharma, Moolchand and Sharma, Prerna},
journal={Available at SSRN 3563679},
title={Building a Private LoRaWAN Platform},
author={Lee, John J and Souryal, Youssef and Tam, Darren and Kim, Dongsoo and Kang, Kyubyung and Koo, Dan D},
doi = {10.35940/ijeat.a1055.1291s319},
url = {},
year = {2019},
month = dec,
publisher = {Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - {BEIESP}},
volume = {9},
number = {1S3},
pages = {291--295},
title = {Building a Private {LoRaWAN} Platform},
journal = {International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology}
title={Ultra-Narrowband Internet-of-Things Technologies},
author={Joseph, Obinna Jude},
school={Tampere University of Technology},
doi = {10.1145/3411170.3411268},
url = {},
year = 2020,
month = sep,
publisher = {{ACM}},
author = {Sidoine Ode and Jules Degila and Marco Zennaro},
title = {On the Use of {LoRaWAN} Technology for Independent Monitoring of Unreliable Campus {WIFI} Networks},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th {EAI} International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good}
author = {Emmanuel Ouanounou},
title = {{LoRaWAN \& MQTT: What to Know When Securing Your IoT Network}},
howpublished = "\url{}",
year = {2020},
note = "[Online; letzter Zugriff 18.11.2020]"
Reference in New Issue