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Org Mode

* fschl dotfiles
My personal computing environment.
** Features
- reproducable machine setup (GNU Guix)
- keyboard-based environment (Sway wm)
- efficient, keyboard based (Emacs + CLI tools)
- portable password management (KeepassXC)
- similar environment on Desktop, Laptop, Android
- for Laptop: encrypted boot + home partitions
- TODO Can you get things done without *your* computer?
- Rescue+Recover friends laptops/computers
- panic-ops using a friends laptop
** Security
*** SSH Hardening
- see ~/etc/ssh/ssh_config~ and ~.ssh/config~
*** SSH key generation
#+BEGIN_SRC bash
# ED25519 keys are favored over RSA keys when backward compatibility ''is not required''.
# This is only compatible with OpenSSH 6.5+ and fixed-size (256 bytes).
$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_host_$(date +%Y-%m-%d) -C "Key to HOST for user-xyz"
# Fallback for really old systems (why do you still have those??)
# RSA keys are favored over ECDSA keys when backward compatibility ''is required'',
# thus, newly generated keys are always either ED25519 or RSA (NOT ECDSA or DSA).
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 8192 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_host_$(date +%Y-%m-%d) -C "Key to HOST for user-xyz"
$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/<file>.pub -p 22 user@host
*** GnuPG
#+BEGIN_SRC bash
personal-digest-preferences SHA512 SHA384
cert-digest-algo SHA256
default-preference-list SHA512 SHA384 AES256 ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed
keyid-format 0xlong
*** Backup Secure Keys
- get 2 USB thumb drives
- on each, create 2 partitions (ext4, you will never use them on any windows device anyway)
Nowadays it's mere chance to find a USB thumb drive with less than 4GB storage.
Though, you want a dedicated drive to transport your password database, ssh keys and GPG keys.
Those don't require more than a couple MB. So what to do with the remaining space?
- You visit friends, only have your keys with you and you have to check your mails, assist a colleague
in some network/ops emergency or just securely look up some confidential information.
- A family member calls: their HDD just died and you are asked to quickly help out on recovery.
Boot into a safe environment, having all your credentials available in a secure manner.
Have a bootable forensics toolbox around to quickly get going in a familiar setup.
Solution: multi-boot!
**** Thumb Drive Setup
3 partitions: boot+isos, luks encrypted, unencrypted partition for non-sensitive data
** TODO [0/5]
- [ ] explain setup, ideas, practises
- [ ] add HOWTO
- [ ] Check new bootable USB solution:
- [ ] move to ansible for easier modularization of setup
- [ ] OR: give GUIX a shot
** Moving to Arch
- official repository setup:
- ~multiplib~ is required for wine
- Sound troubleshooting:
- Skype, VSCode: use ~yay~
** NEXT Moving to Guix
- btrfs for snapshots, easier backups
- encrypted =/boot= + =/home= partitions
- separate subvolumes for =/gnu=, =var=, =swap=
- [ ] MOVE:
*** Disk partitioning
- Mapped Devices example in *RDE*:
** ImageMagick Notes
convert multiple .png files into multipage pdf with downscaling
#+begin_src bash
convert filePrefix*.png -resize 1240x1753 \
-extent 1240x1753 -gravity center \
-units PixelsPerInch -density 150x150 multipage.pdf