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Ideas to improve my Daily Planning life

i.e. extend Emacs, Org-mode, Org-Roam handling and everything around my Notes and LaTeX support.

Handling emacs Configuration changes

DONE auto-tangle all .org files in this project

currently every fschl-module.org file contains it's own org-babel-tangle-config() block There must be a more generalized solution, e.g. set it up to auto-tangle all .org files within/below user-emacs-directory

HOLD use guix-packages

  • State "HOLD" from "TODO" [2024-02-21 Wed 17:19]
    would make it impossible to use the config on windows. windows compatiblity is the only reason to keep this separate from my guix home config

TODO refactor to use crafted-emacs as git-submodule

TODO attempt windows-compatibility for work

Missing Features


TODO LSP per language
TODO AutoComplete, easy compile, unit test
TODO Debugging of some sort

TODO flyspell languages (de, en)

is it possible to detect based on existing content?

TODO snippets?

TODO flycheck for code

TODO rainbow delimiters

Org-mode Setup

TODO syncable org-files, agenda files, calendar setup


TODO make org-roam work with simple key chords

TODO org-roam export to static site (fschl.de/pkb)

TODO get used to archive subtrees after tasks are done

TODO get used to clocking and export

TODO graphviz setup

Communication Tools

TODO IRC client + setup

e.g. for system-crafter, gnu guix, rde

TODO matrix client setup

e.g. for Chemnitzer LinuxTage, system-crafter, rde,…

MAYBE email and mailing-list

e.g. for gnu guix, rde

MAYBE elfeed: rss feeds

e.g. HN, golem, fefe, tagesschau

LaTeX setup

DONE make letters export work

TODO make letters export work in guix-home config

TODO make export for other texbased documents work